Dear mrs Larue

We are the hibbouts cats we hate Ike, we only know Ike from a lot of expireience, he chases us all the time keeps our owner up every night, but he doesn’t see it that way.He sees it as playing with us and just night howling even though every one on the block can hear him mabee even the truck driver that almost hit him will hear it and atract him to Ikes house and take him away forever.But then one day a miracle happened and he was taken to obediance school for who knows how long.We heard he was sending a whole bunch of letters to mrs Larue about how bad it is there and how treturus it is there, even though it has a spa and a five star resturaunt and a whole bunch of T.Vs.Do we think it was a good thing he went to obediance school, yes yes we do but the one day he escaped and do we think that was ideal no no we don’t.